Creating a New Layer

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2009年8月17日 (月) 20:29時点におけるKayama (トーク | 投稿記録)による版

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Creating a New Layer

To create a new layer for editing, choose mActionNewVectorLayerNew Vector Layer from the Layer menu. The New Vector Layer dialog will be displayed as shown in Figure <A HREF="#fig:newvectorlayer">17</A>. Choose the type of layer (point, line or polygon). <P>

<A NAME="fig:newvectorlayer"></A><A NAME="803"></A>
Figure: Creating a New Vector Dialog

[clip=true, width=10cm]editNewVector

<P> Note that QGIS does not yet support creation of 2.5D features (i.e. features with X,Y,Z coordinates) or measure features. At this time, only shapefiles can be created. In a future version of QGIS, creation of any OGR or PostgreSQL layer type will be supported.

<P> Creation of GRASS-layers is supported within the GRASS-plugin. Please refer to section <A HREF="#sec:creating_new_grass_vectors"><IMG ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="1" ALT="[*]"

SRC="/usr/share/latex2html/icons/crossref.png"></A> for more information on creating GRASS vector 


<P> To complete the creation of the new layer, add the desired attributes by clicking on the Add button and specifying a name and type for the attribute. Only Typereal, Typeinteger, and Typestring attributes are supported. Once you are happy with the attributes, click OK and provide a name for the shapefile. QGIS will automatically add a .shp extension to the name you specify. Once the layer has been created, it will be added to the map and you can edit it in

the same way as described in Section <A HREF="node26.html#sec:edit_existing_layer">5.5.3</A> above.